Thursday, May 29, 2008


One sweet summer evening I was cozied up on the balcony of my castle when Skunkor stopped by unannounced. Skunkor is always doing that, and usually it doesn't bother me, but on that particular evening Skunkor was extra belligerent. His pungent aroma reeked of old tires, and he had the audacity to start commenting on my 'gayface.' Now, that is not a term I'm familiar with, so I asked him to clarify what gayface means. He told me, and I sat in silence for a moment. I nodded and stroked my chin as I allowed the severity of his accusation to sink it. Finally I raised my mighty Yak Scepter aloft, and summoned hellfire from the dark portal and reduced Skunkor to a pile of ash. Fuck you, Skunkor, I may have a gayface, but a gayface is better than noface. Beyatch!

Welcome to Snake Mountain, Warriors!

Here you will find the ultimate challenge!

It aint easy being blue...

It sure is lonely up here on SNAKE MOUNTAIN! Believe you me. The silence of my chamber is ear peircing. I drink to forget... what it was like to have a face of flesh. These old bones. These old bones. My curse.